刘晶瑜,女,1992.10,湖北武汉人,管理学博士,青岛大学青年卓越人才,硕士生导师。主要研究方向为旅游营销、智慧旅游、正义旅游等。近年来,在多本国际权威SSCI期刊上发表论文若干篇,担任多家国际期刊(International Journal of Hospitality Management, International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism management等)匿名审稿人。
教育背景/Education Background:
博士:工商管理学院,中南财经政法大学(Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)
硕士:酒店与旅游学院,香港理工大学(The HongKong Polytechnic university)
学士:商学院,加拿大尼亚加拉学院(Niagara College Canada)
教学工作/ Course Teaching:
主要成果/Journal Publications:
Kang, Q., Zhou, L.,Liu, J.*,& Ran, Y. Do contagion cues shape customers’ willingness to adopt hospitality service robots? International Journal of Hospitality Management. (SSCI Q1;共同一作&通讯作者)
Zhou, L.,Liu, J.*, & Liu, D. How does discrimination occur in hospitality and tourism services, and what shall we do? — A critical literature review. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. (SSCI Q1;通讯作者)
Liu, J.*, Long, A., Li, M., & Bai, B. (2021). Cyber-bystanders’ reactions toward tourism companies’ prejudice practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. (SSCI Q1;第一作者&通讯作者)
科研项目/Research Projects: